VR Activity Club
Camarillo Health Care District’s VR Activity Club encourages group experiences and social connection through an immersive program that combines virtual reality travel and in-real-life (IRL) activities. Participants may take a stroll down memory lane or learn something new by engaging in a group activity, and experience the excitement of virtual travel with guided tours and discussions.
These clubs are made up of six individuals who meet four consecutive weeks. The experiences are one-hour long with an additional 30 minutes set aside for an optional Snack & Chat (participants bring their own snacks for themselves and snack while getting to know each other better, building their connection and possibly leading to a friendship). Cost is $30 for the series.
VR Activity Club 1 will be offered on Tuesdays, April 22-May 13, 10-11:30 a.m.
· April 22: Celebrating Earth: We’ll explore our wonderful planet in honor of Earth Day. We’ll start by snorkeling virtually along the Great Barrier Reef and "swimming" with sea turtles. Then we'll visit mountains around the world, from Denali to Mount Fuji, climbing the highest peaks. A virtual birdwatching activity is planned and we’ll see how many bird species we can identify as a group!
· April 29: Blast from the Past and Reminiscing theme: Let’s travel back in time to experience an iconic 1950s event, discuss the cultural revolution of the1960s and flashback to the groovy 1970s for a look at the rise of disco to blockbuster films using virtual reality. Our activity will be “Name the Disco Tune.”
· May 6: Mental Health is Everything: We’ll kick of Mental Health Awareness Month by indulging in nurturing and restorative experiences. Enjoy a peaceful nature scene using VR, explore meditation while donning a headset, and participate in a virtual chair yoga lesson, where you’ll learn techniques to help mobility, reduce strain and improve posture. Our activity will be focused on positive affirmations and powerful phrases using the words “I am.”
· May 13: Motherhood: Celebrate motherhood by enjoying a playdate with a happy granddaughter, touring a colorful flower field, and learning about Princess Diana’s endless love for children. Walk in Diana’s shoes to learn about her fascinating life and how she impacted what it means to be royalty. Our activity will be writing a Mother’s Day poem about the importance of mothers using the prompt: “What does being a mother or having a mother mean to you?”