Fall Prevention

What is more frightening....falling...or the thought of falling again?!
Falls are the leading cause of injury death among older adults. Every hour, 183 people are treated in the emergency department for fall-related injuries, and every day in California two older adults die from a fall.
Falling is very frightening, and the fear of falling again is perhaps even more frightening. After a fall, people often find that they are limiting their activities and stopping favorite hobbies or social gatherings for fear of falling again.
The first two weeks after discharge from the hospital are a high-risk time for fall victims as falls occur four times more frequently during the first three months after discharge.
- over 95% of hip fractures are caused by falls
- more than 40% of older adults recovering from fractured hips will never return home
- 25% of older adults that sustain a hip fracture from a fall will die
The Camarillo Health Care District offers a variety of educational and instructional opportunities surrounding falls, fall prevention, mobility, and balance.
Please click on the links below to see Fall Prevention activities, or call (805) 388-1952, extension 100.
Matter of Balance Strengthening Class